She would need another IVIG treatment to get fresh antibodies into her to reset her system again. If she does not, she will get her symptoms back. After the IVIG treatment, Eliza must be very careful to treat any future strep infections immediately with a 14 day course of strong antibiotics. This will reduce the chance of strep settling in her throat and a PANDAS relapse in the future. Prior to having the infusion, Eliza had to have her tonsils and adenoids removed. The date Eliza is eligible to receive the IVIG treatment is June 14, 2019, which is also her birthday. The goal of this campaign is to raise this money so that the family will be able to get this treatment for Eliza.

This amount must be paid before the treatment is given. Although some states cover this infusion, the insurance that Eliza’s family has in Wisconsin does not. Doctors will give her fresh antibodies, so that her body’s immune system will start to function normally again. Eliza will start with one infusion, but in some cases, it takes up to three infusions to see results.

This link gives you a preview of what PANDAS is:Ī single infusion of fresh antibodies, called IVIG is derived from thousands of donors. Although, seemingly rare, specialists are now recognizing this disease and a form of treatment involving antibody infusions has given Eliza and her family hope. PANDAS or Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Strep, which occurs when a simple strep infection causes susceptible children to produce antibodies that attack their own brain, rather than the bacteria. More recently hope has been given back to them when they were told Eliza has PANDAS. Initially, Eliza was misdiagnosed with psychogenic non-epileptic seizures and when her symptoms did not improve, the doctors gave them little hope. For the past two years, her parents, Mike and Vicki Ellis have poured their heart and souls into trying to give their daughter her life back. She can no longer be left alone.Įliza is 18 years old now. Her life and the lives of her family have been turned upside down. In addition, she now falls frequently and has had two concussions. She began to experience difficulties in walking, speech regression, dystonia (a movement disorder with uncontrollable, jerky movements and painful muscle spasms), anxiety, depression, sleep disturbances, hallucinations and severe OCD. Her family never could have guessed where that would lead. She was living her life as a teenager, when at age 16, she woke up one day with an ear infection. Eliza Ellis has battled through devastating, life altering health issues as a child. If we can raise enough to cover her rent next month ($1400) I would be so excited! Any extra will go to her other bills and groceries ANYTHING helps! I wish I could do more, but starting here seems like the way to make the biggest impact.There is no greater pain than watching a child suffer. It is looking like she will be out of work for a couple of months, and my heart just aches for her as I know she is beyond stressed right now. Working as a bartender and part time student, funds became extremely tight. She has been through A LOT over the last year requiring her to drain her savings and get out on her own. We have worked together for the last 4 years and is one of THE MOST thoughtful and giving people I know. As you can imagine this is not only physically painful, but very traumatic emotionally. (She’s probably going to kill me for this!) She was just in a pretty bad car accident where she broke her leg requiring emergency surgery.

Hey friends! My name is Tiffany and I am hoping to raise a little cash for one of my best friends Eliza.